

The musical, City of Angels, is going brilliantly. Well, pretty good. We’re a little less than two weeks out and everything feels like it’s coming together. Good cast, good atmosphere, and most importantly quite a few of us seem talented too. Especially the orchestra who played with us for the first time last night. Last musical, we didn’t have drums — the difference is painfully obvious.

All this rehearsal is really cutting into my gaming and Battlestar-watching time. I’m only about 30% through Fahrenheit, and my insistence on only playing it at night is causing a slow progression. It’s worth it though — the game is more an interactive movie, and quite moody. Nothing cuts through the atmosphere quite like your mother asking you to do the dishes, and the spookier scenes are enhanced greatly by the slight paranoia that creeps into one’s head when you’re sitting in a dark room with huge windows by yourself at midnight.

It’d be a game worth trying the Alexia treatment with, but I’d feel so derivative. Should I, Andy?

The last Battlestar I watched was Black Market, which I felt was perhaps the most poor episode ever. Obviously, I’ve been spoiled, but having a poorer episode lingering in my mind is eroding my adoration for the show. I’m reliably informed we’re back to awesomeness again very soon. Given that only one episode earlier, it was tremendously awesome, it’s not really even worth complaining. But look, I have.


3 Responses to “Fahrenheit”

  1. How’s Fahrenheit going? Finished or abandoned? The demo was interesting but I’ve got too many games as it is.

    You must have plenty of free time for gaming and reviewing now.

  2. Jackson was suggesting some four player computer gaming. Can macs play games? Are mac users too boring to play games?

    He suggested Starcraft. Besides that and NWN, what else is there? I guess there must be Diablo and probably Warcraft.

  3. I’ve been busy at work recently — a few extra days. And when I was at home I was working on the new site design, and on updates to the Aculife website.

    I haven’t played Fahrenheit for ages. I’m just waiting for the right night, when no one will interrupt me.

    Anything by Blizzard works on the Mac. There’s a few recent ones out but frankly I’m not much of a PC gamer, that’s why getting a Mac was so easy. You won’t catch me playing a Starcraft-ey game any time soon.