My Delicious Firefox


I don’t normally post about things like this, but as it’s swallowed an hour of my night, I thought I may as well share it with the world. This post is only interesting if you:

Alright, so now that I’ve narrowed my audience to something near zero…

One of the cleverest things about Arronax’s themes is the way they grab ugly extension toolbar icons and wrap them in a nice button. For example, the big ugly tag gets put in a square icon like so:


But that wasn’t enough for me. I’ve seen much nicer tags elsewhere. So took a picture of one and made the toolbar look like this instead:


You like? Here’s how you do it. First, grab this image and put into your Firefox profile’s chrome folder. That’s something like this:

~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/[SOME RANDOM GUFF]/chrome

Then, edit a file called userChrome.css in that folder in whatever text editor you have to hand (there may only be a file called userChrome-example.css there — if so, rename it, then edit it). Put in the following CSS:

toolbar[iconsize="small"] #del-button-tagPage { list-style-image: url(delicious-icon.png) !important; }

Then, quit Firefox, relaunch it, and make sure you customise the toolbar and select the “Use small icons” checkbox. Ta da! It’s not at all perfect but I’m no expert at this. I’d like it to be slightly bigger, but as it stands I can’t be bothered. We now return you to your irregularly scheduled reviews.


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