Das Football


For this World Cup, as well as actual betting, I’m running a virtual betting competition, called My World Cup. If you’d like to enter My WC with me and have the chance to lose the shirt of your back, or win big, just express your intentions below. Any number of people can partake in My WC, the more the merrier. Entry’s free so stop tossing up about it; come join atypicalreview’s largest betting competition.

The system is thus: at the start of the round robin everyone will have 50 virtual dollars, called Boodles, to bet on the matches. Post the amount you are betting and the odds (taken from tab) and what you are betting on.

At the start of the knockout phase everyone will get another $50 to bet so those who lose it all early will have a chance to get back in.


24 Responses to “Das Football”

  1. I’m in. I love the name of the competition.

    So betting isn’t compulsory? Someone could just not bet and assume everyone else is stupid enough to lose most of their boodles?

  2. If you do nothing, you’ll end up with a 100 boodles. Not a bad thing, considering the idiots in this competition. But do you believe that all of the stupid people will not get lucky? Perhaps betting on a sure thing is the way to go – you could get 150 boodles with no risk.

  3. This is the sport where they kick a ball around, right? And there’s a bat.. maybe?

    Sure, I’m in, why not.

  4. You’re thinking of batball. I don’t know if they’ve got a world cup.

  5. What do you actually win, Andy? Apart from nothing, that is.

  6. Nothing’s not good enough for ya? I’ll check the stationary cupboard.

  7. I assumed we’d win a million boodles.

  8. Maybe people want more than a million boodles.

  9. Ah yes, batball. They have the universe cup (its an american leage.. think of lot of themselves)

  10. You don’t mean… a billion boodles?

    I can’t stand batball.

  11. I’m in. I love boodles.

  12. Shannon has asked me to post a little something on the nature of batball. Despite my stated objection to the sport, I have agreed.

    this is a batball court. you kick the ball (it has to land in one of the green squares on the first bounce) then you run around the bases, but if they knock over the wicket before you get to each base you’re out, and then the other players have to get the ball through the big posts before you make it back to the fourth wicket having run the full diamond. and the ball is purple. and the umpires wear bunny suits. the popularity of this sport is on the rise. its the next big thing.

  13. Count me in!

  14. Hmm, since I’m the closest to the actual games, I hereby shall not be in and also not be in the actual ones.

    But I want more boodles, so I’m weak and in.

    PS: Guess what? Austria just became ***** soccer world champion! Isn’t that a rare occasion?

  15. What’s ***** soccer?

  16. I’m guessing robot. Austria sounds like a good place to make a robot soccer team. Lots of mountains for strength training.

  17. Should we start a tipping competition for what ***** stands for? I’m tipping “fruit”.

  18. I choose “laser”.

  19. Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s nothing to be ashamed of Hayko.

  20. i’ll play

  21. **** = nookie

  22. I don’t think it’s elephant. Austria isn’t known for its vast herds of soccer playing elephants. Unless they’re a secret, so it could be that Austria is the Secret Elephant Soccer World Champion.

  23. Someone stole the preview button for a few days so I was unable to express my interest. Their guilty conscience seems to have got the better of them so: I’m in. Give me my boodles!!

  24. Having registered, one can now post one’s bets in das football beginnt. Everyone has 50 boodles to initially invest.