

I saw a deeply tragic thing the other day. Coming home from work a shade early, just before peak hour, I saw two snails starting to leg it across the footpath outside the train station. They weren’t quite in the middle of the pavement yet, but come 5:30 they were going to be half way.

Those snails are dead, man, dead.


Hands up who can’t see the Heart in I ♥ Huckabees properly! I just booted up Mac Firefox and it was having issues. While we’re on grapefruit minutae, if anyone decides to start commenting again, I recommend doing so with a gravatar. Basically they’re little avatars that you can use on any website that supports them. So now there’s an email field when you’re making comments. But your email doesn’t get published or anything.

Hmmm… Important stuff…

I’m leaving for Perth on Tuesday, which should be excellent. Perth is a magical land where people swim and play games and sail and bum around. And American television has begun again, so all is right with the world, except for all those disasters and wars and stuff.


3 Responses to “Snails”

  1. My gravatar doesn’t work and people can no longer see my witty email addresses. I hate this stupid year. Still, I’m looking forward to my party next month.

  2. Yeah, uh, appears to be down. Clearly, from all the traffic I sent there due to grapefruit.

    Er, maybe I’ll just host avatars here instead. I removed the email addresses due to privacy issues. Besides, surely you’ve made all the good jokes?

  3. And they’re baaaaaack.

    So — gravatars, or local avatars? Which makes more sense? Do any of us post on other weblogs where we’d like to use gravatars?