

So, there I am, wandering back to work after trying out James’ favourite Subway sub, and oops! — there’s JB Hi-Fi’s DVD superstore. Better go in then. Better check out the TV DVDs, and make sure that the Babylon 5 box-sets aren’t disappearing any time soon. They’re $55 for an entire season currently, and I don’t want them to disappear. Ideally, I want them to go down in price again, though $55 is pretty cheap.

There’s a pile as tall as me of the damn things though, so I think I’m safe waiting for the moment. Besides, what did I spy but Joss Whedon’s 14-episode long sci-fi series, Firefly. The novelty of purchasing TV episodes that I hadn’t seen was too much to resist.

$60 later, I’ve got me a lovely little 4-disc box set, crammed full with commentaries and other goodies. I’ll have to review the buggers I guess.


4 Responses to “Firefly”

  1. Let me know if you see the Wonderfalls set. I think there’s $60 space on my credit card.

    Did you close you bold tag?

  2. your bold tag.

  3. I’ll keep a look out.

    I did forget to change my bold tag. It’s fixed now. So embarassing. I feel like Shannon…

  4. Hey!

    Ok. So its true. I’m a schmo… sniffle… [wanders off in shame]