The Ties That Bind


Maybe everyone’s starting to suffer from space sickness, because it seems like there’s a lot of crazy going on in the Cylon and the human fleets. Everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down. First of all, there’s two cylons getting freaky, which needs to stop, but not because it was robot-on-robot pashing, but because one of them was an old robot. Bleh. It was disgusting. Sure the taboo against violence amongst Cylons has just been broken, but we don’t want to cross too many boundaries at once. Eww.

Cally’s gone crazy. Her husband’s distress and mental anxiety about being a Cylon has affected her. Which is a shame, because she’s cute. She doesn’t deserve an ending like this. I thought that she and Galen had the greatest chance at a normal life but such is the capricious nature of the tv gods that even her semi-happiness was too much for them.

Kara’s trying to find Earth, without much success, although she’s always been crazy so it’s hard to tell if her situation is getting worse. She seems to be getting along with Anders better, which surprises me because Diana Seelix has been making eyes at him.

The Six on the Cylon fleet is making me go crazy. Her hair is almost the same colour as D’Annas, which confused me when they kept talking about the D’Annas being boxed up, when what I thought was a D’Anna sitting there at the table. As it’s a Six, it all makes sense. The rest of the Cylons are still lazing around in deep space wasting time and squabbling amongst themselves. Their entire race should be boxed up.

I blame the music. That continuing haunting wail that started at the end of last season. It gets under your skin. If the producers would turn that fraking music off, we’d be able to sort out this confusion. Look, I got to get out of here, I can’t get no relief.


2 Responses to “The Ties That Bind”

  1. I don’t understand how you cannot tell the difference between Xena and not-Xena.

    I never thought Tyrol and Cally had a chance. I’m not happy about how things turned out but I’m glad it’s over. I don’t feel that the person who shot your previous girlfriend is a good choice for your wife.

  2. I don’t pay much attention to facial features. I look at hair colour and clothes more.

    The Eights are a bit trigger happy.