The Road Less Traveled


I don’t think I completely covered the crazies in my previous review. I didn’t want to mention every crazy person — because the fleet is full of nutters — but there are a couple of people who have upped the crazy level this episode.

Leoben Conoy ferverently believes in Kara’s destiny and seems to think that painting is the best way to find Earth. I’ve never thought that predicting the future through paintings was a good idea. It seems so imprecise. There’s very little solid information that can be taken from a painting.[ftn] It’s not a good system. So when Starbuck’s painting away instead of looking at star charts, I start to worry. Is this whole plot going to be wasted by returning to the fleet a little more frazzled than when they left? Aside from the giant dead end of New Caprica, it’s not like BSG to waste episodes going nowhere.

Tory Foster is the craziest of the lot. I thought she’d been calmly accepting her fate and retaining her humanity. 1 Unfortunately she’s acting like how she believes a Cylon should act. Not the squabbly whiney bunch that they actually are but as cool calculating robots. Now she’s walking around offing people and pretending to be super human. She’s going to come to a sticky end.

There’s this fat bald guy with a skipping rope. I don’t know where he’s come from. Looks a bit like the guy from Hitman, but fatter. Oh wait, it’s Chief Tyrol. I really am not good at recognising faces. Anyway Tyrol’s having trouble. He’s found out he’s a Cylon, lost his wife, and has some repressed feelings to deal with. He’s so crazy that he’s being comforted by Gaius Baltar.

Gaius, for a change, seems like the least mad of everyone. He’s on an up swing at this moment in his bizarre life. He’s continued preaching his generic religious beliefs and expanded his harem, cult of nubile young women. Aside from the occasional beatings, his life is sweet.

I love the continued use of the final five theme music with the sitars in it. I’m glad they kept using it. It was far too good to be just used in the last two episodes of season 3.

  1. Ask Noah Bennet in Heroes when he is trying to prevent his own death.

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