Welcome to the Past


There’s lots of different ways to review TV. Over the years, we’ve had group reviews, we’ve had rants, we’ve had letters… It’s not usually hard to come up with something interesting when you’re watching something happen every week.

But when you’re watching old stuff, it’s harder to get an entire essay out. You’re watching it again, you’ve read stuff about it, it’s distractingly old… This is why people write episode guides the way they do. And that’s why now, some of the Grapefruit reviews of old TV will be in a different format to the usual. A more episode-guidey form.

Let me know what you think… We’ve almost made a separate Grapefruit episode guide in the past, but I think this is a better solution. It’s certainly easier.


One Response to “Welcome to the Past”

  1. Incidentally, so as to not clog up the front page with old boring stuff, any of these reviews will only appear once on the big splash picture and not in the list on the right. Good idea, Jackson.