Urine Good Company


Ye gods, I am tired. And behind on reviews. And behind on sleep.

There are traces of glue under my nose. It’s not a good look. The next time I see someone with what appears to be a horrid skin condition caused by excessive nose-blowing, I shall give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it instead to be the residue of a giant moustache.

For I have been running around all evening in a bright red suit with a big italian moustache. And yet; I am not Mario. I know, because I tried to smash some bricks with my head.

The Leonardian Players’ production of Urinetown is on this week. I encourage everyone and anyone to see it. It’s a post-modern, highly silly piece of comedy with a sprinkle of social commentary. And bunnies.

Oh, and I have a new job. At the same old place, but in a different department. I’m now in Human Resources and wondering how long I have to leave it before I steal the “this time it’s personnel” gag.


9 Responses to “Urine Good Company”

  1. How long do you spend thinking up titles for your blog posts?

  2. Ah, now, Urine Good Company is in fact the name of the corporation regulating public urination in Urinetown, so I’m afraid that joke isn’t mine and I can’t take the credit. It is, however, a fabulous little pun.

    In other news, my company desk has “UGC” in big purple letters on the front. Awesomeness. This is in the musical and not in Human Resources. In case anyone’s wondering.

  3. I should also point out that the awesome pic on this blog is drawn by my brother for the Urinetown poster.

  4. the pic sure is awesome. i applaud paul.

  5. Great performance last night. You pull off comical evil capitalist very well. And it’s an excellent musical — one of the few SLOCA have done that I’ve really enjoyed on its own merits. It was hilarious, especially the narration scenes and the bunnies.

  6. Thank you Andrew. Years of watching genre TV has helped me with the evil thing. It is a pretty slick, funny and modern show, especially compared to the others we’ve done.

    It’s so relieving to talk to people afterwards and find that it is indeed as funny as I remembered it being before acting through it a billion times.

  7. Incidentally, for what it’s worth, you caught the non-Moustache show. It’s looking like I’ll be wearing an evil fake mo for all the other nights. I hope this doesn’t upset you too much. It makes me look more evil but less like a capitalist, I feel.

  8. Are capitalists generally considered to be clean shaven?

  9. These days I’d say that moustaches are more decadent and a clean shaven businessman is more ruthless. But I might be off-base. I’ll need to look for some examples.