

I have a few friends stuck in painfully boring jobs. I may be joining their ranks soon. Even more people I know don’t know where they’re going in life.

I think we should all start our own business. Submissions on my desk by the end of the year for what exactly we could do.

(Seriousness rating: 6.5, upgradable by solid ideas, downgradable by scorn)


3 Responses to “Opportunities”

  1. A stunt company called How Hard Can It Be?. People asks us to do stunts for them and we say “How hard can it be?” Something then goes horribly wrong and we all flee the scene.

    I like the idea of starting a business. We could do something creative and be our own bosses. Sounds like hard work though. Maybe we could invent something like a boardgame or silent velcro.

    Or write a book. Or a business. How many people do you mean by we?

  2. I’m thinking around ten people, with the potential for expansion. Silent velcro, while pure genius, might not quite be enough. Starting a business is a good idea in all ways except the practical ways.

  3. also silent velcro has already been thought of, you stole it off “Garden State”.