New New Name


The votes are in and ignored, the decision is final. Grapefruit(s) no longer, this website is now:

An appropriate new design should eventuate within a week or two. Yes, I know that the site still says grapefruit in places but those little mentions should all be weeded out within a day or two (The main heading on every page counts as a “little mention” for those playing at home).

On an unrelated but important note, could someone get rid of that bald guy on Letterman? He’s not just garden-variety unfunny, he even tries to cut in and make noise when he’s not onscreen. I’m less inclined to laugh at Letterman himself when that nong is giggling loudly in an attempt to get his voice on TV a bit longer.


6 Responses to “New New Name”

  1. Really? Is that it?

    Will you get rid of the keyword “grapefruit” as well? I say we call him a murderer.

  2. Yes, really. Yes, I need to get rid of that keyword. I’ve been busy.

    I felt like a murderer yesterday when I had to rename everything, everywhere.

  3. It would seem your new new name is encourging bots to post messages encouraging us to buy dirty porducts. I guess “grapefruits” wasn’t on their spider’s paramenters… Interesting. Websites with not-real words as their titles.. brilliant!

  4. You need to change the size of your imagemaps at the top because “atypicalweblog” and “atypicalreview” are lareger than grapefruits.

    To reduce boringness of this comment, I’ll also mention that the pic you have for Dr. Who New Earth on the front page is awesome. I think mostly because they’re both such sexy people.

    Oh, also, the high-res version Another World has been released. One of my favorite games of all time. The proper audio through PC speaker just blew me away.

  5. Curse these spambots. I wouldn’t ever buy anything from someone called “anus”.

    If there wasn’t a brand new design coming to atypicalreview on the weekend I’d get right on that Rob. But I won’t. Because there is.

    It’s a very pretty series. Wait until you see the picture for ‘Tooth and Claw’! If I had a PC I’d be right on ‘Another World’. I might steal my brother’s. Or an intel iMac.

  6. That wolf is pretty sexy too, for a wolf.

    Did I miss a chance to talk to a spambot? Curses.