Marshmellow Man


She started cutting the Marshmallows in half again today. A cost cutting measure that will redefine the hospitality industry. An approach that is so beautiful in it’s simplicity that cafe owners everywhere will wonder why they didn’t think of it first.

Such is the way with all great inventions.

Actually I’m sure there must be better ways to make more money. Ones that aren’t embarassing and reflect poorly on us. I mean people know they aren’t getting a whole marshmallow. The severed end dries up and looks mangy. Magnificent spongy balls of confection made virtually inedible.

We never confront her of course. Our main method of communication is forging entries for the suggestion box. Sometimes one of us will make a joke, but we make sure to say it quickly so it is beyond her ability to understand. It’s fair enough — they scream at each other in Chinese all the time.

In any case we’ll have to wait a while before we make use the suggestion box again. I think she was starting to recognise our hand writing.

And in something unrelated — people who fancy themselves as sophisticated really irritate me when they say the word “accessible” (in the context of music or and other art) like it’s some kind of criticism. Get over yourself.


3 Responses to “Marshmellow Man”

  1. What was it that was being called accessible?

    Surely you guys can vary your handwriting a bit. Bring some slips home and get us to write some for you. That marshmallow thing is the stupidest thing in the universe. Not that you need me to tell you that.

  2. Stupid? That practice must save at least a dollar a week. If you want to save more money, you could reuse the coffee and water down the tomato sauce.

  3. It’s funny you should say that actually. Once we had a customer who had a few sips of her long black and decided she didn’t like it for some reason. She was made another one and that part of the story ends happily. Janet however brought over the used coffee and asked me to add it to the mixture we use to make iced coffees.

    I’m not making this up. Sadly.

    I threw the coffee out incidentally. I don’t think she does that anymore.