What the hell is going on?


Quite suddenly, Tom has made updating blogs disturbingly easy. Now, when confronted with questions concerning my lack of entries I can no longer simply mumble some crap about it being annoying and be done with it.

So expect more entries from me in future, damn it. I don’t like not having excuses. Animation is extremely difficult and time consuming, I haven’t seen any movies to review, but quite tragically updating my blog only USED to be a pain.

You might actually get to read about my thoughts as a consequence, if only to get the radiant Tom off my frelling back. Lucky you.

That being said — I don’t have much to say. Spent the last week in Scotland, but since I’m determined to not let this blog become merely a diary I won’t bore you with the details. I might later when I can be bothered (read : never)

Barring some disaster, in less than a month I should be living with Matt in Ireland. You’d think I’d find this exciting, but the reality of the situation is I only own one gamecube and I really, really don’t like to share it.

I’m currrently formulating plans to steal the one in Perth.

Excuse me now while I go and sleep.


2 Responses to “What the hell is going on?”

  1. Radiant? RADIANT????? Ahem.

  2. Radiant. He he he.