Urgent news concerning Jessica Alba and spandex


Some exciting news has been brought to my attention: Jessica Alba is in Fantastic Four. It is due out in 279 days and she’ll be wearing spandex. She’s also in Sin City. Due out in 188 days. More on Sin City.

This news has brought light to my life. All though the twitching had stopped, the withdrawal made me depressed. Now I hear the world isn’t so bad after all. Plus Kirsten Dunst is in a new movie and Doom 3 finally downloaded and the DS won’t be here until Q1 2005. I’d better take another dose of Stargate.


5 Responses to “Urgent news concerning Jessica Alba and spandex”

  1. That’s it. I won’t hear no more of this. Q1 2005?


  2. What’s the big idea with this blogging every other day? It was a lot easier to ignore Tom’s nagging about actually posting something when you only had 6 monthly updates. Even Jackson has blogged more recently than me.

  3. First of all, a@a.com is my email address.
    Middlely, Q1 2005 means the first quarter of 2005.
    Lastly, it makes a pretty pattern and people comment which makes me feel popular.

  4. You could have a@a.student.melbourneuni.edu.au or a@a.net

  5. I hadn’t noticed it was exactly every other day. That looks really nice…