Separate entries for separate moods. I’ve got a widescreen television! Woot! It’s not plasma or anything but it works rather well, especially with component video from the DVD, or digital TV.
Things seemed a bit dubious on the digital TV side of things until I found the menu that specifies what aspect ratio the set top box is sending to the telly. Suddenly it was filling the screen like a good little… box. You can even adjust the opacity and colours of the menus! Phwoar!
The major drawback to digital TV via a set top box: watching all your telly through AV1, and thus needing a different remote for changing channels and for turning the TV off. And not being able to use the “picture in place” option nicely. But it’s a small price to pay for widescreen TV. Did you know Bert Newton’s Good Morning Australia is transmitted in widescreen? It’s to keep his head in the picture I suspect.
[Extra! Extra!] And then, after thinking, “Hmm, this DVD looks a shade thinner than I’d expect,” we realised that the DVD player still thought we had a 4:3 screen and wanted the movie letterboxed. We informed it otherwise and it looks much cooler now. Congratulations to my father for working this out.