A few numbers relevant to our exciting canada working holiday:
1: the number of us out of money.
1: the number of us who actually got here with $4000.
1: the number of weeks Andy and I have been looking for jobs.
1-3: the number of weeks we’ve been told is reasonable to look for jobs.
1.5: the number of weeks until ‘Return of the King’ comes out.
oodles: the number of resumes I’ve sent out in the hope of getting a job.
Anyhow, we don’t really want to have to bugger off, as that’d be quite a waste of a lot of money. I may have a fairly stable financial position currently, but that’s only coz this is my first overseas trip and hence my parents have been more than generous in throwing in extra funds.
Anyhow. Off to hunt for more jobs! I’m sure I saw one hiding under the rug in the hostel today.
Incidentally — Andrew fell in the icy river yesterday, just in case he doesn’t see fit to tell you. It wasn’t really his fault — he was just jumping up and down on the edge of the ice and it happened to break where he thought it would.
December 10th, 2003 at 11:17 am
Do I detect some malice in your blog?
December 10th, 2003 at 11:24 am
Not at all, just presentin’ the facts, don’tcha know…
December 10th, 2003 at 11:40 am
As the key witness I say it didn’t happen.
Tim C
December 10th, 2003 at 8:37 pm
Resumes? That’s no way to get a job! You’re in Canada, just act friendly and say ‘ay’ at the end of each sentence. And mention maple syrup every so often. I am assured that this would be bound to work. If it it doesn’t, hitch a ride on a truck and find one of those bars where people fight in cages for money. They have them in Canada, you know. Or possibly not, ay.
December 12th, 2003 at 8:44 am
Um.. I’m sorry did you just say Andy was jumping up and down on a frozen over river and the ice cracked and he fell in? Isn’t that, like, erm.. fatal, sometimes? I feel worry. Should I be feeling worry?
December 13th, 2003 at 4:04 am
I’d be much more likely to seek out one of those cages if I had, say, an adamantium skeleton, ay. But thanks Tim. Hope things are well in sunny Melbourne!
We’re going to try extra hard to look for jobs today, or that’s what we told ourselves. Unfortunately we didn’t leave the hotel until about 10:30…
December 13th, 2003 at 4:08 am
I didn’t go all the way in. Only up to my armpits. What do you think I am stupid?
December 13th, 2003 at 11:51 pm
well now that you mention it..