Shiny Happy People



Excuse me! Can I say a few words here? It’s only fair that as I am now a part owner of this website, I am entitled to a say in everything that goes on around here. Which I intend to take full advantage of. This season of Angel is looking pretty good now, especially when compared to that sorry excuse for a slayer’s season.

Jasmine’s so beautiful! We’re not worthy. All my life I’ve been so empty and it’s over now that we’ve found her. I can’t believe it’s all happening. It looks like Fred will have to be put down, what with her being crazy and all. There’s no other way. It’s too bad she’s evil. I was just beginning to like her.


I’ll start this review off with a question. Why, if you’re aware that your TV show generally goes to air with about a minutes clips from previous episodes, would you then write a bizarre scene in which, for no reason at all, your protagonists describe everything that’s happened in the last few episodes? Odd, that.

Anyhow, we’re soon into the meat of the episode, where everyone becomes entranced by the lovely Jasmine. Sadly, most of these scenes are terminally boring. Yes, we get it, they like her. Things become more interesting when an insane, shouting person attempts to go on a rampage, but then, they always do. Meanwhile, Angel tries on a new shirt that has to be seen to be believed, and Jasmine tells them all the story of how she’s a disgruntled former Power that Be. Actually, this explaination was fairly believable and interesting, which was a surprise as I expected the usual dodgy, half-baked explaination.

My problem with this episode is probably that despite how excited by Jasmine the characters seem to be, and the general intriguing nature of her story, her way of life just doesn’t seem that attractive to us. Though my co-reviewer was sufficiently enchanted, I found it rather depressing to see all the characters suddenly reduced to one-note, irritatingly cheery charicatures of their former selves. If we’d seen them enjoying themselves more, and perhaps as relieved that everything was nice and simple as Gunn was two weeks ago, then the audience might have had some small affection for Jasmine.

As it was, I imagine everyone is expecting, as usual, that Jasmine is simply another demon to be killed horribly. And, it seems, Fred is the one to do it. Wesley, much to his annoyance I imagine if he ever comes out of this euphoric state, completely misses his chance to run off with Fred and have a big bonding experience over their shared fear of Jasmine, and instead reports her. The final lonely shot of Fred might have been more exciting if she’d walked further towards the camera through crowds of bowing Jasmine-lovers.

Not a bad episode then, but a rather dull and predictable one. It seems it’s too much to hope for something wildly unexpected to happen this season.


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