Oh Happy Day, Oh Joy of Sweet Joys


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this is a good thing.


8 Responses to “Oh Happy Day, Oh Joy of Sweet Joys”

  1. Im going to stay right close to the tree and say it ISN”T!

  2. Without having seen it? My, how very Matt-like of you :)

  3. Taking a stab at Matt, appparently without realising you are doing exactly the same thing yourself? How very tom-like.

    Anyway I agree with Matt. It’s a bad thing. It’s going to raise the hopes of all those rabid Doctor Who fans, who are going to cry for decades when it get’s cancelled again. Especially if it get’s cancelled after the first season. ouch.

  4. Ah, but I don’t think I am. For a start I don’t care about wailing sad Doctor Who fans. And secondly I regard unfounded negative opinions as less valuable than unfounded positive opinions. Hopes = good, condemnation = bad.

    Reading acres and acres of internet discussion has convinced me of this…

    And I’m darned if I can’t find something jackson-like in your post, darn it.

  5. I knew it! So being positive is “better” than being negative. How… optimistic of you.

    Okay, that hardly comes off like an insult does it?

  6. I’m glad it didn’t. Insults are bad…

    Anyhow, I hope I didn’t hurt Matt’s feelings. I thought it was quite clear his comment was just to irritate me and it seemed the right thing to do to retaliate rather than get irritated!

  7. Yes but you’ve spent the better part of six years getting irritiated at our comments, why stop now? It’s no fun if you don’t react the right way. We might have to stop doing it.

  8. Pah, you admit your comments are done solely to irritate me, after making some ‘holier-than-thou’ ‘you’re a hypocrite’ post above?? Pah!