Nothing to say…


No really. Go away. I’m not even going to pretend that interesting things are happening in my life right now. I’m using the oodles of headspace that I have had since I arrived to ponder the possibilities for me in the immediate future.

I would like to win some money. Lots of it.

The question “What would you do if you won the lottery?” has been done to death. I’m not sure exactly what I’d spend it all on, but I do know I wouldn’t mind finding out.

I’d prefer it to be soon.

I don’t know why you are still reading this.

Bed time.


4 Responses to “Nothing to say…”

  1. Have you entered the lottery?

  2. Fruit Loops. I’d spend it all on a big big bowl of fruit loops. Pfft.

  3. they have blue ones now.

  4. What an age we live in…