Money Makes the World Go Round


So, we went to the bank today to finally try to bank the $1500 Canadian security deposit for the Banff flat. Previous attempts with Matt, Andy and I in different states have met with failure, but with all of us in Perth, we thought we had a good shot. So we drove over to the Commonwealth Bank, without the cheque.

Twenty minutes later, we went to the bank with the cheque, a distinct improvement. Previously, the Cockers had been told that we’d all need to open a joint account in which to cash the cheque. Today we were told that yes, we’d need one of those, but we’d also need a whole bunch of assets with the bank in case the cheque was dodgy. So, no, you can’t have your money. Try next door.

And so we did, afraid that the curse of the cheque would follow us. But they said yeah, sure, we can send that to our friends in Canada who’ll bank it and send the money back to us and put it in Andy’s account. Just sign the back of the cheque.

The moral of the story being that Commonwealth Bank really suck. Or possibly that you shouldn’t count your chickens until the money’s in Andy’s account.

But these new funds will help greatly in buying all the shiny new Apple stuff released today. Well, actually I’m still after my iMac, which is slightly cheaper now, but there was a lot of surprisingly cheap stuff out. An even cheaper flash-drive iPod — the iPod Shuffle — and the Mac mini, a teeny little reasonable-spec Mac. Apple released their own Word Processor/PageMaker kind of program too, but I really don’t use word processors enough to bother with that. Sad, as it’s the most affordable thing Apple have released for a while.


5 Responses to “Money Makes the World Go Round”

  1. Oh, by the way, if no one has seen the new NTGF videos, then they should damn well have a look at them. And comment!

  2. I didnt think their was a comments section over at the ntgf bit..
    Anyway i did comment. I told jack i thought it was good. and funny. and creative.
    there. thats a comment.

  3. Thanks :) It’s nice to hear from someone about them, normally there’s not much of a splash on Grapefruit…

    But in case people are holding back because they don’t know where to put NTGF feedback, it can be left in the following places:

    • In the NTGF Forum on the grapefruit forums.
    • In the other forums.
    • In weblog comments.
    • In film, book, TV, music and game review comments.
    • In ‘other’ review comments.
    • In fiction comments.
    • On CommCate.
  4. Well, why was there no big shiny flashy announcement on GP itself? The NTGF site is sooo overloaded, it’s hard to find the new releases… :p

    Thanks, Tom, for remembering the dead. ;)

  5. You’re right Hayko, we need a better notification system for NTGF. I’ll get right on it.