It’s the most wonderful time of the year!


Okay, I take back everything negative I said about Christmas! Because I finally found the true meaning of it: And no, its none of that goody-two shoes crap you hear about the Gift of Giving. It’s PRESENTS! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, presents. I love presents!

And being a teacher at this time of year rocks! I have gotten so many freakin’ awesome presents. And none of those little jars with candy or mugs that say #1 Teacher. I mean gift certificates to the mall and the coffee shop, CDs of artists I love, cool body and bath kits, and so much more.

And the kids are so darn happy to give me stuff. It’s great. They love watching me open the gifts. And making me wear the bows and ribbon from the gift. But I don’t mind that. Ah, what a wonderful holiday!


3 Responses to “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

  1. I wish I had children that would give me presents. Perhaps I shall steal some, chain them up, and force them to give them to me.

    Oh, wait, I donated to Australians against Child Abuse the other day. I’d practically be stealing from myself. I’ll find another plan.

  2. Tom, do you even know how many smiles you receive as presents? Be grateful, for God’s sake. Once. ;)

    I don’t like getting presents. I mean, it’s nice alright. But it don’t blow my whistle. On the other hand, unexpected gifts… woohooooo.

    I’m glad you’re so popular with the little ones, Jess. But how else could it be… =)

  3. What’s the difference between presents and gifts?

    I’m grateful for lots of things.