It’s the End…


The apocalyptic visions of tsunami damage are fostering a sort of quiet sadness in me. After terrorist attacks, there’s a level of anger involved, but this time there’s nothing to say, nothing to do, except help people. It feels creepy to be thinking “how much can I give and still have money for an iMac?” But it’s better than avoiding such thoughts by not giving any, I suppose. It’s easy to be selfish towards such large numbers. It turns out credit card rewards points can be turned into World Vision donations, so I’ve done that already.

My apologies for the lack of updates around here. I blame Andy for saying he would put up some reviews and then not doing anything. In my mind, I thought “Well, that’s Grapefruit sorted for a while, I’ll put my reviews up after Andy’s, spread things out a bit.”

Alright, not much of an excuse. I’ve got an I ♥ Huckabees review in the works too, so perhaps that will materialise. And I fully intend to get back to Firefly reviewing.

I can’t wait to get to 2005. It looks quite exciting. Entertainment wise — Knights of the Old Republic II, Doctor Who, Serenity, Star Wars III — and real life will start to get a bit more interesting too, given my imminent university finishing. And, of course, my iMac should come to me this year some time, too.

But moving back to entertainment — what’s everyone’s best and worst of 2004? Feel free to list them in the columns below. Or make them into an article for Grapefruit. Or, y’know, neither… Excuse me while I eat a roast dinner.


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