Class Pet


My students are insane. I want to get a class pet and am having a damn hard time figuring out what to get. They do not want anything cute and cuddly, so all forms of rodents are out. We were interested in turtles but we can’t have one because they carry diseases. Same with iguanas. So, what do my darling five-year-olds want?

A spider.

Yes, you read that correctly, they want a spider. And not just your garden variety spider, they want a Tarantula. Yes, they are insane. They even made a list of reasons why they want a spider. And I have to admit, they have some pretty decent reasons.

  1. They want to pet a spider.
  2. They want to feel a spider crawl up their arms.
  3. They want to watch a spider weave a web.
  4. They want to watch a spider burrow in the ground (which we learned tarantulas do)
  5. They want to watch a spider climb the walls of the terrarium.
  6. They want to watch a spider lay eggs
  7. They want to watch the eggs hatch.

But the number one reason they want a spider: They want to see a girl spider eat a boy spider!

Yes, my students are insane! Hope everyone is having happy holidays.


6 Responses to “Class Pet”

  1. All through school I wanted to see a girl spider eat a boy spider. Don’t deny your kids the chance. If one of your kids died accidentally the spider could eat the body.

    On a more technical note, you’ve got two number one reasons.

  2. That’s probably her zeroth reason.

    I want nothing to do with any sort of spider and don’t understand these crazy kids.

  3. I am sticking my tongue out at you Andy!

  4. You’re wrong Andrew. The 2 “number 1’s” are ranked under different classification systems. the first number 1. is about order of argument.
    the second number 1. is their best argument.
    Jess is right, youre wrong.

  5. How fast do these mate? How many girl / boy spiders will you get? It’ll be a tricky timing to get them to eat eachother when every kids watches.

    Once they eat eachother, send me the video!

  6. There’s enough problems on the internet these days without you pushing snuff porn, Hayko.