Busy Busy Busy


OK, not really. Life’s reasonably relaxing in fact, if a touch depressing in places. One bright side is the move to a new and exciting server, however — as a result I’ve spent the last day working on a completely new layout for grapefruit — involving no javascript whatsoever which is nice. Well, apart from the top navigation bar anyhow. Hopefully you’ll see the results shortly.

It’s heartening to see the percentage of people viewing our site that use Internet Explorer going up. Well, not really — you should all be using Mozilla Firebird if you’re on Windows — but it does mean that people are looking at the site who aren’t the actual reviewers. Still, we need to publicise the site a tad more I think…

I’ll be playing in the Leonardian Players’ production of Company next week, and you should all come and see it if physically possible — Wednesday to Saturday, email us if you want details.


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