Breaking News


One of us has a job!

But it’s only a temp job for today and maybe tomorrow. And it’s Matt’s.

In other news, we’ve dropped by a bunch of irritating restaurants which refuse occasionally to even take our resumes. One told Jackson to come back at 1-2pm today, and the shop was shut.

Our new ‘roomy’ in 205 has helpfully told us that all we have to do is go out and ask for jobs everywhere. This has worked better for him as he has about 10 years restaurant experience.

This man is really irritating. He snores, he yells at other people for snoring, he makes a myriad of snorting, breathing and farting noises whenever he enters a room, he’s obese and walks around in a towel on occasion to demonstrate this, he talks without listening, he assumes he knows everything, he thinks saying ‘mate’ to Australians is clever, he keeps on asking us what we’re doing that night, he has soulless eyes, he snacks incessantly, and once ambushed us in the cafe.

I may have to kill him.

(4 days till tLotR:tRotK !!!! )


6 Responses to “Breaking News”

  1. Well tis good to see that backpackers in Canada are the same as those in Oz full of weird and wonderful patrons. Re Job hunting: have heard that all you need to do is speak in broad aussie accents, dropping as much aussie slang as you can into every sentence. The canuks will fall in love with you and hire you on the spot

  2. I object to the acronym tLotR:tRotK

  3. Thanks Steve! Now, if someone could just mail me a broad australian accent, I’ll be sorted…

    And it’s a perfectly good acronym, Andy, so ner. And so very long…

  4. Of course if things get really bad you can always go south and pass as Austrians. The Septic Tanks wont know the difference lol

    And if you dont know what a septic tank is, Im ashamed of you !!! pmsl

  5. As acronyms go, it is fairly ridiculous. Aren’t they meant to short, by nature? Isnt that the point. I’m with Andy. Down with stupid acronyms.

  6. Insanely long acronyms are the best sort.

    Septic tank… rhyming slang? Yank! Easy. By the way, which Steve is this? :)