Welcome to 2005. Politically and internationally, things can only get better. Personally, if it’s half as good, I’ll be reasonably happy.

It’s nice to see how busy Grapefruit isn’t. I remember the good old days when reviews got pages and pages of comments. Now — nothing. Pah!


2 Responses to “2005”

  1. Did you know that the scouring of the shire was left out of tRotK? I hadn’t noticed but now that the Nitpicker’s guide points it out, I don’t remember seeing it. Also Glorfindel was cut out.

  2. Those both shocked me deeply.

    I must say though, that while some changes irritate me, I like how we get to hear their reasoning for them on the extended DVDs. Even though the explanations still piss me off most of the time, I like that they respond to the criticism.