Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


Ah, Torchwood. I remember the happiness I felt watching your first episode. You seemed like you were going to be so cool.

And then you just weren’t, in so many ways. It’s become a bit of a cliche to say this, but I’ll say it anyway; I don’t think lead writer Chris Chibnail and I see completely eye to eye on what makes a good TV series. I felt this throughout Torchwood year one, and I felt it watching its season two premiere tonight.

But, it was most definitely better. Most surprising were the awesome bits; there weren’t many, but I wasn’t expecting them, so they were rather nice. The Star Wars hologram joke, in particular, was perfectly timed. The team’s awkward admission that things are more fun when Jack’s around. An alien blowfish waving a granny across the road. I had heard Torchwood was funnier this year, and it turns out the rumours are true.

It’s still an oddly awkward show at times — surprising, given that the same people are making the brash and confident Doctor Who at the same time. The aforesaid humanoid blowfish1 opens the episode, being chased by Torchwood.2 It’s an cute beginning, but unfortunately it’s let down by a painful scene where the blowfish happens to both know a lot about our heroes, and have the ability to phrase it in the most hackneyed dialogue possible.

So; Jack’s been away, but as we know has chosen to come back to Cardiff to be with his favourite not-very-secret alien-fighting organisation. Arriving around the same time is Captain John Hart, an old flame of Jack’s from his Time Agency days who looks and sounds very much like Spike from Buffy. Add his mixed motivations, the team’s usual irritation at knowing almost nothing about Jack, and a lot of snogging, and you get yourself a reasonable episode of Torchwood.

Colour me cautiously optimistic, then. ‘Kiss Kiss Bang Bang’ isn’t necessarily better than the best episodes of last year, but it does give me hope that the show is on a more even keel this year. Here’s to a better year for Torchwood, and to the hope that Chris Chibnail may yet develop an ear for natural dialogue.

  1. Apparently though, blowfishes don’t look like that. If the Torchwood people can’t even categorise marine life correctly, how do they expect to save the world? Perhaps they should have tried patting him.
  2. Unfortunately, the team haven’t even thought to file their name off the SUV yet. Or get rid of those bloody stupid blinking lights.

3 Responses to “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang”

  1. I’m not sure if they are meant to be a secret organisation. They certainly don’t act that way. They tell everyone they meet who they are. Which would be fine if they didn’t mention how they were outside of the government at the start of each episode. Surely you have to be more discreet for that. Also, Jack should shut up about everything changing in the 21st century. It’s as bad as the Cylon’s having a plan.

    It was a good episode, at least for Torchwood. There were less awkward bits and longer stretches of non-awkwardness. It feels like there is an excellent show in there somewhere. And it had funny jokes for a change.

  2. Chris Chibnall can’t write. In fact, this is the only episode of Series 2 I’d label as abjectly awful. Hated the jokes, the stupid plot and the rotten dialogue. In fact, I’m not sure I can be bothered to list the various reasons why, although review site sorts them out quite well. Go read that.

  3. I’m in complete agreement re: Chibnail, but I did think this was one of his less crap efforts. Watching Torchwood last year was a bit like being in an abusive relationship, so even a slight upturn in quality this year was very welcome.

    I do like blowfishes in cars though. As Andy said, while it was dodgy, it wasn’t nearly as awkward as some of last season’s efforts. But the rest of the season has been actually good in places, which has been something of a surprise.