Children of Earth: Day Two


Still good Torchwood, but also, slow Torchwood.

Keeping things brief this time as it’s late and I want to go to sleep. The downside, I guess, to a five part format is that whilst the first part will feel epic and exciting as it can spend all its time making intriguing introductions, the second part runs the risk of sagging, if their plot only has one or two twists. And clearly, it does, as by the end of ‘Day Two’, we don’t know much more than last week.

In fact, almost half of ‘Day Two’ is taken up with undoing the events of ‘Day One’, which makes perfect sense considering the apocalyptic events the team found themselves faced with, but is a little disappointing in that our intrepid heroes are not much closer to what’s going on than they were at the start of the day.

Aside from the reasonably sedate pace, the standard is still pretty high. Peter Capaldi’s Frobisher remains excellent, and Cush Jumbo’s1 Lois is far more interesting and fun than yesterday. Our menacing lady in black remains the epitome of a cliched eeevil black ops agent, but more damning than her general blandness are the epic failures of her and her troops to accomplish anything all episode. They played a good opening move, but to fail to catch two government agents, an escaping fork-lift truck, or even a demented old man makes them seem just a little crap. Which is unfortunate if they’re supposed to be scaring us for the next three episodes.

However, it looks like there’s someone else coming tomorrow. So they may not have to.

  1. What a name. I just want to say it again. Cush Jumbo. Alright, I’m done.
All I've done is put you on the front line. That's what the front line's for, John. The first to fall. — The Prime Minister

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