Memento Mori


It’s an amnesia episode! Either that or Vala’s a robot, or a genetically engineered clone. Those latter two are likely but my bet’s on amnesia. Reminds me of that assassin movie.

It looks like Vala will lose her memory and wander the streets, encountering everyday scenarios and react to them in her crazy alien highly-trained manner. The biggest mystery here is how she loses her memory. But I’m judging this episode by its pre-title sequence, which according to a related adage, I shouldn’t be. So cut to three weeks earlier…

Daniel and Vala have gone out for a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant for a sweet character moment. I hoped they’d at least get dessert before they’re interrupted by the plot but not today. Vala’s rudely kidnapped by the Trust.

Fortunately, the Trust’s security is almost as leaky as SGC’s and possible leads are quickly found. Unfortunately, nobody read the warnings in the instruction manual about not firing zats while using the memory device.

Amnesiaced Vala is now on the run. All she’s got to keep her alive are her good looks, her wits and the martial arts skills she’s forgotten about. She’ll be fine. I like that Vala, normally a consummate liar, has trouble convincing people that she’s telling the truth.

I’m glad the bike wasn’t injured; after the car was trashed, I was concerned for its safety. I wouldn’t’ve let anyone commandeer it, if it were mine.

Another very good, and on-earth, episode. There were character moments; some flair in the direction, with quirky camera angles; even Sam contributed to the show with her goofy humour. We’re laughing at her, but at least we’re laughing.

The final scene makes SG-1 feels like a gang again, with the new characters. I hope this is the way SG-1 goes out.

Vala isn't a particularly alien name. — Vala

14 Responses to “Memento Mori”

  1. I was surprised they could pull off a good Earth-based episode. As Shannon has said, normally the Earth episodes are very obviously cheap. This one had explosions and stunts and that cool bit where the zat ran along the bar and stunned the guy.

    Of course, the key was character moments and we know they a) don’t give a shit and b) won’t follow up on them, so I suppose we just have to hope that they accidentally put more in later.

    I don’t know what this show would do without Claudia Black. She deserves her own show.

  2. And I was impressed that I could take that bloke from that 70s show seriously.

  3. Vala has had several episodes of with character development, despite what the interview that you linked to said. She’s got the highest development to episode ratio of the regulars. She looks like she’s got a character arc going on.

    The writers seem to structure their episodes around the action sequences. If there’s no action, they get lost and don’t know what to write.

  4. One of the best episodes in ages. I really enjoyed it. The only thing that bugged me was the “here, you’ve earned your SG1 patches” at the end. How did getting amnesia and pointing guns at people help her to earn an SG1 patch? Shouldn’t that be earnt doing SG1-related things? Its a silly point though. Mostly, it was an awesome episode.

  5. Obviously she’s earned them based on everything she has done for SG-1 – not the getting kidnapped part. Once they almost lost her maybe they felt bad. You’re weird.

  6. I imagine the requirements for a badge are: Refuse bribery, pass a psychological exam, survive a kidnapping, sacrifice yourself for the good of the team.

  7. Vala may have the highest level of character development but it’s still minimal compared to most ensemble genre dramas, I’d say. It’s clear that the writers value their technobabble over character development, which was all that interview claimed and which we’ve seen to be true on many occasions. I’m not necessarily saying they’re wrong to do so, I’m sure some people balk at ‘soapie’ tendencies, but personally I don’t agree.

    The badge was clearly a “sorry you got screwed over” present. They should’ve made her an honourary member of SG-1 after ‘Beachhead’.

  8. She’s only getting character development because she is new! Teal’c, Daniel and Jack got equal if not greater character development in the earlier seasons. Back when the show was awesome.

    Clearly the writers have a little tray that they put characters in once they’ve had a character arc.

  9. She’s only getting the development because her character as it used to be was even annoying the writers.

    I don’t think this epsiode was any good. They made the usual mistakes and were left with less than before. If they had greatly decimated the Trust, or found a stack full of new funky toys to use, maybe then…

    The countdown is at 12 and they’re throwing in this useless stuff…

  10. In their defence, this episode was probably already slated before they realised they weren’t getting renewed..

  11. That’s not good enough. They should refilm it with more memorable scenes.

  12. I don’t care why she’s getting development, just that she is. If everyone got as much development as Sam I don’t think I’d still be watching the show.

    You can’t judge every episode on how much material progress the characters make, Hayko. Well, you can, but it seems silly. Still, I must say I’m surprised that the Ori are leaving them alone so convincingly, and that their quest for Merlin’s weapon seems to be on the backburner. I know that people don’t always focus on major projects at work but their work seems so important I’m surprised that the same syndrome applies.

    SG-1 are a much more cohesive unit after that episode, I reckon. They gained emotional fortitude but no nifty weapons.

  13. I don’t think the Ori know where Earth is, and while they could probably find out, I can’t imagine they perceive them as a threat. If I was invincible, I’d assimilate the galaxy at my own pace too. No point rushing these things. Maybe they want it to really sink in over time so other worlds capitulate.

  14. Probably, and if they conquer at their own pace, Earth has no rush to find effective means. And by the time they stand in front of Earth, and even Earth may find a means of fighting them, the entire galaxy is against them as well…

    Yes, I can and I will judge it by that. SG1 (without Vala) would have done the same if it were anyone else. Vala didn’t progress past the point of realizing they’d do anything for her. I can see an episode coming where she backstabs them all, and they say “after all we did for you, how could you sob”.

    The point is as you mentioned there are more important troubles than doing a show where someone yet again loses their memory or gets kidnapped or something else from season 1-5. I want Stargate to go down burning, screaming and kicking! No weeping in tears like this.